Course Booking
ABMG Training & Assessment

 Training and Assessment courses! Please see the drop down menu below for dates and venue


ABMG Training Course

1. Course Description

The ABMG Training course is a 3-day modular course designed to train suitably qualified and experienced candidates at the standards set in the ABMG Course Syllabus and CTP’s; Also to meet the equivalence’s of the European EO-MTBing Guides Scheme.

2. Aim

2.1. To train core skills at ABMG Level 4 and EO-MTBing equivalences.

2.2. To train  guiding group safety and management skills

2.3. To train the equivalences of the European EO-MTBing Guides Scheme.

3. Pre Course Standards

3.1. Physically fit with a wide range of experience in leading and coaching.

3.2. Active at Level 3 advanced level with a wide range of overseas experience.

3.3. Completion of a nationally recognised Level 3 award including Expedition and night riding and or APEL as required.

3.4 Accepted as an ABMG Trainee Guide.

4. Dates and Prices

4.1. Course cost is £320.

4.2. Accommodation and feeding is the Trainees responsibility (information is in the course joining instructions).

4.3. Courses are run on demand, dates and locations are advertised on the ABMG website.

5. Progression

5.1 Complete Action Plan over a set consolidation period.

5.2 Apply for ABMG Assessment Course.

ABMG Assessment Course

1. Course Description

The ABMG assessment course is a three-day modular course designed to assess suitably qualified and experienced candidates at the standards set in the ABMG Course Training Plans CTP’s and to meet the equivalence’s of the European EOMTB Guides Scheme.

2. Aim

2.1. To assess core skills at ABMG Level 4 and EOMTB equivalences

2.2. To assess guiding group safety and management skills

2.3. To meet the equivalences of the European EOMTB Guides Scheme

3. Pre Course Standards

3.1. Physically fit with a wide range of experience in leading and coaching.

3.2. Active at Level 3 advanced level with a wide range of overseas experience.

3.3. Completion of a nationally recognised Level 3 award including Expedition and night riding and or APEL as required

3.4 Completion of the ABMG Training course or have equivalent APEL.

4. Liabilities and Limitations

4.1. Instructor to student ratio 1:6.

4.2. A valid first aid certificate and appropriate insurance must be held.

4.3. Guiding and coaching on cycle permitted areas and wild trails worldwide, within the guide’s current and logged experience, and risk assessed.

4.4. Terrain can be up to and including Graded Severe.

4.5. Terrain must not be defined as snow or mountainous unless the guide is familiar with and proficient in their chosen route and environment.

5. Progression

5.1 Complete Action Plan over a set consolidation period.

5.2 Apply for EOMTBing Final Exam.

  • £ 0.00
  • After clicking submit, you'll be directed to a page with our account details for payment. Please note, your booking is not complete until we receive payment.

    Other dates may become available (as demand dictates) and published here.

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Call ABMG Administrator on 07889 751781
email: [email protected] or use the contact form.